Habitat for Humanity of Greater ...

Since 1991, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Lowell has built 33 homes locally and funded 57 homes globally. Along with building homes, Habitat Lowell has repaired 14 homes for our veterans, elderly, and disabled. In total we have impacted 104 families. Habitat offers a Hand UP not a Hand OUT to families and we help to improve their lives. Habitat families help to build their home through sweat equity, building side by side volunteers. They also take financial training classes and pay a mortgage.
Mission: Habitat for Humanity of Greater Lowell (HFHGL) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that works without discrimination to strengthen families and communities by building and renovating simple, decent, safe, energy efficient, and affordable homes. We work in partnership with corporations, like-minded community groups, faith-based organizations, and individual volunteers.
Website: www.lowellhabitat.org
Address: 124 Main Street, Westford, MA, United States