Arlington Soap Box Derby

This is a unique program in that it encourages close adult-child activities while building and racing a car. The construction of the gravity race car reinforces the importance of setting and completing goals while developing traits such as self-confidence, perseverance and craftsmanship. Parents can learn new abilities while teaching children proper use of tools. The youth is encouraged to do as much of the work as their level permit. The 2015 race is scheduled for June 6th starting at 9:00am on Eastern Ave in Arlington,MA. This will be the 7th year that Arlington has sent winners to compete in Akron, OH in the All American Race. The All American Soap Box Derby will celebrate it's 78th year on July 25, 2015.
Mission: The Arlington Soap Box Derby is nonprofit organization whose mission is to teach youngsters ages 7-21 some of the basic skills of workmanship, the spirit of competition and the perseverance to continue a project once it has begun by building a gravity powered car and racing it against other youth.
Address: 50 Edgehill Road, Arlington, MA, United States