Brooks School

Core Values Underpinning and clarifying the mission statement are core values which the school hopes will permeate all programs, and which might serve to direct community members in their experience with the mission. The core values of the school are: empathy, engagement, integrity, passion, confidence and creativity. Of these, empathy and engagement are considered preeminent.
Mission: Mission At Brooks School, we seek to provide the most meaningful educational experience our students will have in their lives. Statement of Purpose Within an environment of academic excellence, Brooks strives to promote and focus intellectual growth and curiosity. The school encourages students to develop analytic and creative capacities; to read critically; to think, speak, and write with cogency and precision; to broaden aesthetic sensibility; to make effective use of technology in the learning process; and to be aware of the larger world beyond the school community. The school emphasizes moral awareness and strives to provide daily lessons in tolerance, integrity and social responsibility. Civility and decency are as important now as ever before. The chapel program gives expression to the spirit of the community. Since its founding, Brooks has been affiliated with the Episcopal Church. The school seeks to further the teachings of the Judeo-Christian ethic while valuing all religious traditions and honoring the beliefs of the students who hold them. One of the most important capacities Brooks develops in its students is the ability to make good decisions and to profit from mistakes. It does not presume to make every choice for them, either academically or socially. The school creates a climate where high standards are balanced with reasonable expectations, tolerance and understanding. In this way, Brooks hopes and expects students to grow in wisdom, confidence and maturity.
Website: www.brooksschool.org
Address: 1160 Great Pond Road, North Andover, MA, United States