Budget Buddies, Inc.

Budget Buddies builds the financial literacy, confidence, and security of low-income women in Massachusetts, through a unique program that combines instructional workshops and personal, one-to-one coaching. We work with clients referred by local social service agencies and customize our program to their needs. Local financial institutions lead our classes. Volunteer coaches serve as personal mentors. The special mentoring component customizes assistance to each client. Low-income women – who typically have no access to the financial advisors that educate those with higher incomes – get individualized help with the specific financial issues that keep them in poverty. After four years, we have started to introduce our program into communities outside of our home base in Lowell. We are also expanding demographically. In addition to developing a Spanish-language version of our program, we are planning programs for survivors of domestic violence, women veterans, and women recovering from substance abuse.
Mission: We seek to promote financial literacy and confidence among low-income women.
Website: www.budgetbuddies.org
Address: 114 Turnpike Road, Chelmsford, MA, United States