
WriteBoston believes that writing is essential to student achievement. We believe all young people can be flexible, thoughtful communicators and problem solvers when writing is embedded in daily learning. Founded in 2002, WriteBoston was started by former Mayor Thomas M. Menino in 2002 in response to low student scores on the English portion of the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) test. Since then, WriteBoston has expanded its reach to support teachers and schools in communities throughout Massachusetts. WriteBoston focuses on building teacher capacity to teach and use writing to support student learning across all content areas. We have developed an effective coaching model, published hundreds of young people in Teens in Print, and provided direct writing support to students through our Writing Centers. Moving into our next decade of work, we hope to expand our support to additional middle and high school teachers, develop new writing centers, and find ways for more students to publish and express themselves.
Mission: WriteBoston promotes deep learning through writing. We offer training and coaching for teachers, along with writing opportunities for students, built on the premise that powerful thinking and writing are inseparable.
Website: writeboston.org
Address: 2300 Washington Street, Boston, MA, United States