Mission: Positive Action Against Chemical Addiction, Incorporated is a non-profit community center that has been providing quality services to residents of Greater New Bedford since 1983. The agency offers people struggling with addiction and their families a broad range of counseling, education, intervention, prevention, advocacy, outreach and referral services, as well as supportive services and meeting site for social and psychological needs of our clients and community. Services are available to individuals from all ethnic and religious backgrounds and are provided without regard to income. As a consumer led organization, P.A.A.C.A. is committed to: • Providing assistance and education to drug/alcohol addicted people as full participating members of society. • As advocates; viewing the client’s needs in a holistic fashion • Educating the public on issues related to drug/alcohol abuse • Providing the necessary innovative services and enterprises required by this diverse, ever changing population ● Create innovative effective strategies to prevent the onset of substance use among youth PAACA is often seen as the “MASH” unit in the war on drugs because we are the entry point or triage center for people entering the continuum of care. With a 30-year history of “one person in recovery helping another” we are able to provide services that conventional treatment agencies are unable to because of the support of our many volunteers.
Website: www.paaca.org
Address: 360 Coggeshall Street, New Bedford, MA, United States