Boston Partners in Education

Boston Partners in Education is seeking volunteer academic mentors for students in the Boston Public Schools during the 2016-2017 school year. Academic mentors work one-on-one or with a small group of 2-4 students for an hour a week during the school day. Opportunities are available in all grades (K-12) in literacy, math, and science subjects. Student/volunteer matches are made based on your preferences: Location, time of day (during school hours), day of week (M-F), subject matter, grade level and one-on-one vs. small group work. Boston Partners in Education provides training and match support to help facilitate a happy and successful match. We are required by the Boston Public Schools to run a CORI/SORI background check on each potential volunteer; this background check is run at no cost to you. To apply visit http://bostonpartners.org/get-involved/volunteer-application/. For more information about volunteer opportunities, please read more about us at http://bostonpartners.org/ or contact Boston Partners in Education at bostonpartners@bostonpartners.org or 617-451-6145.
Mission: Boston Partners in Education enhances the academic achievement and nurtures the personal growth of Boston’s public school students by providing them with focused, individualized, in-school volunteer support. With the commitment and involvement of the entire community, all students in Boston will develop the skills, self-confidence and motivation to recognize and achieve their full potential.
Website: Boston Partners in Education
Address: 44 Farnsworth Street, Boston, MA, United States
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Ahna Kielar
(617) 385-3717T: Highland Street Americorp Ambassador of Mentoring