Neighbors Who Care

Neighbors Who Care (NWC) serves to fulfill the unmet needs of an often forgotten population—low-income isolated/lonely elders who have “fallen through the cracks of the system.” They have outlived friends and family, often are “house poor” and/or exist only on social security. They find themselves without the resources or ability to know where to turn. NWC mission is to respond to the needs of these underserved elders regardless of religion, race, color, national origin, sex or disability. NWC responds by pairing a volunteer with a client. Clients are offered trusting, long-lasting friendships, support for life-giving activities such as transportation to medical appointments, assistance with grocery shopping and whatever is agreed upon by the two of them. Volunteers have painted rooms, mended fences, written letters, raked leaves, shared cups of coffee, played scrabble, secured existing social services, served as a relationship mender among family members, and simply been a caring part of an elder’s life-- letting them know “someone cares.” In addition, NWC brings clients and volunteers together several times a year for socialization—holiday gatherings, educational offerings, ice cream parties and more.
Mission: Our mission statement is: Neighbors Who Care is a not- for- profit, volunteer organization serving the unmet needs of seniors and chronically ill adults in the spirit of Saint Marguerite. (St. Marguerite d’Youville was the founder of the Sisters of Charity of Montreal and known as “The Mother of Universal Charity.”
Address: 174 Moody Street, Waltham, MA, United States