Music to Cure MS

"Music to Cure MS" has provided opportunities for supporing vital research towards curing MS to: classical-music performers audiences - whether or not they already love classical music local businesses - who gain publicity with program ads silent auction donations concert-day refreshment donations other performing groups, which can exchange advertisements in our program / web site
Mission: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most common disabling neurological condition affecting young adults worldwide. All of us who have this chronic, incurable, progressive, disabling disease, or who know someone who has it, are eager to support research towards ending its affects. To raise funds, some people hold bike or foot races. Some sell fancy shoes, or hold scavenger hunts, or plan rock concerts. Marion Leeds Carroll, a former opera singer and stage director who was diagnosed with MS in 1988, heard about the Accelerated Cure Project in 2002 and decided to use her own skill-set to bring opportunities to her own world: classical music. The first fundraising concerts she organized were called "Sing to Cure MS", but it soon became clear that musicians other than singers were eager to take part.
Website: http://singtocurems.org/
Address: Arlington, MA, United States