Matthew's Child

Matthew's Child was established to support, advocate, educate, and enhance our foster and adoptive community. Matthew's Child offers meals for families with new placements; gifts for children entering the system; support and love for families and parents; a swap option for needs a foster family may have for clothes, furniture, etc; and random acts of kindness for parents, kiddos, and social workers who are making a difference everyday! Until recently, Matthew's Child has stayed anonymous. We bless people from the shadows, simply to encourage and support. We are coming out, in complete humility, because the need is growing, and as a result, our resources must grow with it. It is our belief that it take a community to raise a child. Everyone is involved, be it parents, social workers, teachers, therapists, neighbors, friends, or coaches. Not everyone is called to take children into their home; but those that are need support from others. A friendly word of encouragement or a cup a coffee; a night out to go on a real date (outside of the grocery store); to feel supported by members of their communities as they work together to make a difference for children and families. You are the answer to that need.
Mission: At any given time, there are approximately 400 children in foster are in the Roanoke Valley through various agencies. Countless other families are working with ongoing Child Protective Services, and are at risk of coming into care. The families that open their homes these children often feel unsupported, under-appreciated, and overwhelmed. Statistically, 50% of foster families quit within a year of receiving their first placement. Matthew’s Child is designed to bridge the gap between the physical and emotional needs of these children and families. We offer programs to support these hurting children, the biological families, the foster families, social service workers, and anyone else touched by “the system”.
Address: 2014 Memorial Avenue Southwest, Roanoke, VA, United States