Upside Academy, Inc.

Upside Academy, Inc. is a California non-profit 501(c) 3 corporation which provides opportunities for high school youth to give their time and talent to improve their communities through volunteer and community service hours. Our non-profit focuses on providing volunteerism for local non-profit, schools and community projects in Kern County. Community services activities includes neighborhood clean-up, shelters, pantries, senior centers, community fundraisers, hospitals, animal shelters, tutoring, educational projects and special events. Within these projects, our youth will learn important leadership skills and develop a net-work of civic-minded cores. Upside Academy, Inc. volunteerism encourages compassion and civic engagement while strengthen positive work ethic and valuable work experience. Upside Academy, Inc. main objective is to seek non-profit and community-based organizations and match our youth as volunteers. Each organization will submit an “Academy Request for Service” which include number of volunteers, hours, age requirements, and descriptions of projects. Our Upside Academy committee will review each request and assign youth: (1) Connecting youth with their passion. (2) Building successful relationships between youth and organization. (3) Fostering the mission and vision for the future for our youth. In exchange of services hours, organizations are ask to provide a performance evaluation, documentation of hours, and letter of recommendations for our youth. All documents will aide in employment opportunities, college scholarships and college applications.
Mission: Upside Academy, Inc. mission is to provide volunteer and community service opportunities for high school aged youth in Kern County.
Website: www.upsideacademyinc.org
Address: Bakersfield, CA, United States