Tutoring Plus

We serve a diverse group of students in grades 4- 12. Our students are primarily from the Port neighborhood in Cambridge between Central and Kendall Square. We have been making a positive impact on our students by matching them with volunteers based on school subject interest and proficiency, interests outside of school, and personality. Having a consistent, caring adult role model is extremely beneficial to the academic, social, and emotional development of our students. Today, we operate five 1:1 tutoring centers for our Elementary, Middle, and High School programs. Additionally, Tutoring Plus offers six project-based enrichment programs for Elementary and Middle School students focused on science, engineering, coding, math, girls media literacy, and reading. By providing a structured environment for volunteers and a highly personalized approach to working with students, Tutoring Plus currently supports over 210 students and 170 tutors and serves as a critical resource for our students and families.
Mission: To support and encourage the academic, personal, and social growth of children and youth in Cambridge, Massachusetts with the help of volunteers and community partners.
Website: www.tutoringplus.org
Address: 225 Windsor Street, Cambridge, MA, United States