Higher Achievement

Talent is everywhere, but opportunity is not. Higher Achievement seeks to build a world where every child’s promise and potential is realized, regardless of circumstances. The success of our program is in large part because of our volunteer mentors. Mentors come out once a week for an hour and a half to mentor a middle school scholar in Math, English Language Arts, and/or Social Emotional Learning while also building lasting and meaningful relationships with mentees.
Mission: Higher Achievement closes the opportunity gap during the pivotal middle school years. By leveraging the power of communities, Higher Achievement’s proven model provides a rigorous year-round learning environment, caring role models, and a culture of high expectations, resulting in college-bound scholars with the character, confidence, and skills to succeed. By 2030, all students in Higher Achievement cities will graduate from high school, ready for college.
Website: http://www.higherachievement.org
Address: 1500 Union Avenue, Baltimore, MD, United States
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Rubén Flores
(410) 299-2316T: Volunteer and Partnerships Coordinator