Boston Building Resources - Reus...

The Reuse Center at Boston Building Resources provides affordable good-quality used and surplus building materials to low- and moderate-income homeowners and nonprofit organizations, primarily in Boston’s inner-city neighborhoods. Materials are donated by individuals, contractors, retailers, and manufacturers. A substantial price discount is offered to those who are income-qualified. The Resource Center also offers workshops that teach home improvement skills and offers technical assistance in the store or in the home. Customers can improve their homes, increase their knowledge, build their wealth, and improve their neighborhoods. The environment also benefits when needless waste is reduced.
Mission: Boston Building Resources inspires, educates, and empowers homeowners to increase the efficiency and value of their homes, focusing on affordable solutions that help all of our neighbors create stronger communities while benefiting the environment. The Reuse Center at BBR provides low- and moderate-income homeowners with the materials and knowledge they need to improve their homes and communities. The environment also benefits when needless waste is reduced.
Website: www.bostonbuildingresources.com
Address: 100 Terrace Street, Boston, MA, USA