Gifts Of Hope Unlimited Inc.

Gifts Of Hope Unlimited inc (GOHU) is committed to serving those affected by relationship violence. GOHU provides financial and tactical support to individuals and families transitioning from shelters to homes. Our program grew from Sudbury into surrounding towns like Hudson, Acton, Stow, Boxborough, framingham and Newton. We collaborate with town social workers and area service providers, who refer us to families and individuals needing our support. GOHU is an all volunteer organization and partners with community organizations such as area garden clubs, religious organizations such as Our Lady Of Fatima for donations. GOHU hopes to touch as many lives affected by domestic violence as possible in the middlesex county in the coming years.
Mission: To support and assist individuals affected by relationship violence gain access to resources for a safe and empowered future.
Website: www.giftsofhopeunlimited.org
Address: P.O Box 338, Sudbury MA 01776