Bread & Roses Heritage Committee

As the region’s only true Labor Day festival, 34th Annual Bread & Roses Heritage Festival is an open-air arts and music festival honoring Lawrence, Massachusetts’ multi-cultural roots and rich labor history while commemorating the most significant event in Lawrence history: the 1912 Bread and Roses Strike. A day of activism and family fun, the Festival boasts 3 stages of socially conscious performances, an array of family activities, rows of community vendors, historical trolley and walking tours, culturally diverse food offerings, educational presentations and more!
Mission: To organize the annual Bread & Roses Labor Day Festival that celebrates Lawrence's history and diverse cultures through music, theatre and dance. To recognize, commemorate, inform, and share the labor history and social justice legacy of Lawrence's 1912 Bread & Roses strike with Lawrence's present day residents and people worldwide.
Website: breadandrosesheritage.org
Address: PO Box 1137, Lawrence MA 01842