Verge Inclusive Athletics or Tea...

Team Verge offers seasonal practices and developmental programs throughout the year for individuals with or without developmental, emotional/behavioral, or physical challenges, and their families. In addition to regular practices, members have opportunities to participate in track meets, road races, cross country meets, trail running, and team events. Members train in groups and one on one at their ability level under the direction and guidance of volunteer coaches, and are paired with volunteer peer coaches/run buddies as needed. Expanding limits is the core of Team Verge's goal. We strive to help members bust barriers, cross thresholds, and make physical, social, and mental connections so that they are always growing...always on the verge of the next level. Team Verge is dedicated to supporting every person’s goals and level of performance, whether it is to keep regularly active and social, to prepare for inclusion in school sports, or to train to race or develop their running. We aim to provide a supportive, educational, fun, and friendly team environment where members, through a community effort of member families and volunteers, get the individual attention they need, and feel safe trying new things and pushing their limits, which inspires and encourages self-belief, discovery, and achievement. Through the fun and challenge of sport, individuals learn social and emotional skills, independence, and gain the confidence and skills needed to grow personally and athletically in order to reach their ever expanding levels of potential.
Mission: Verge Inclusive Athletics, Inc. is a volunteer 501c3 nonprofit, inclusive running program for youth and adults of all abilities, with and without special needs, dedicated to improving the health and lives of its participants by helping them to expand their limits in a fun, safe, team environment with the individual support and challenge they need for success and athletic, social, and personal growth.
Website: www.teamverge.org
Address: 52 Esty Rd, Princeton, MA