Greater Fall River RE-CREATION

We envision that all individuals in our community with the resources they need to be healthy, safe, and successful. With our new facility, we also strive to be a catalyst for economic growth in the city, housing several public and private organizations, and becoming a premiere center for events. We're committed to delivering all programs, services, and events in a safe and nurturing environment so that everyone can build self-confidence and reach their true potential. Our programs and activities do not discriminate on basis of sex, age, religion, gender identity, handicap, familial status, or national origin and are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Mission: Greater Fall River RE-CREATION improves lives by providing programs and services for residents of all ages to thrive. While we focus specifically on socially and economically disadvantaged and at-risk youth, we also offer various programs that provide rich and collaborative learning experiences for all participants.
Website: www.gfrrec.org
Address: 45 Rock Street, Fall River, MA, USA