nonprofit 501(c)(3)

A-DOG connects to the community in multiple ways, supports Arlington Animal Control Officer with advocacy for responsible dog ownership, provides educational opportunities for training. pet healthcare, workshops, FUN activities to do with canines like outdoor FIDOFest "DOG" Video Festival featuring local dog videos made by residents {over 200 entries lat year 2018} , recreational activities like DOG Days at the Res "swimfest," guided Walks of Nature at Arlington's Great Woods & Bark for Life; Relay Walk etc, Additional programs "Coexisting with Wildlife" & addressing environmental concerns. Recent ones:"Urban Coyotes" & "Raptors Are The Solution: Danger of Rodenticide." Most recent presentation February 2019 "Prison Pups with Arlington Filmmaker describing unique training of NEADS Assistance puppies by prisoners {Concord, MA} with A-DOG NEADS partners Ellen Leigh & service dog Ricky and weekend puppy raisers one of whom was author Sharron Luttrell who wrote "Weekends With Daisy" {a NEADS Puppy.} in March 2019 will be our 5th annual Pet First Aid & CPR Proram All of our programs are open to the public and provided as a community service "free of charge." We are funded by membership donations. Hope this gives you an ida of who we are. We are determined to have A-DOG events be accessible and work for appropriate changes at venues when needed. A-DOG members last spring participated in a mapping of Accessibility in Arlington as volunteers..
Mission: Engage in following activities: Educations & Recreational Resources & Programs for Arlington Dog Owners friends & families through a variety of means .Provide effective communication through Members meetings, website, face book page and monthly electronic news letters. Connect with other community groups for community service initiatives. Co-sponsor whenever possible. A-DOG partnerships include: Robbins & Fox Libraries, Park & Recreation, Local Parks such as Friends of Thorndike Dog Park, Menotomy Rocks Park and Robbins Farm Dog Owners Group etc,Friends of Arlington's Great Meadows, Arlington Community Media Inc, Public Art, Rely for Life with dogs :Bark for Life,Town Events such as Town Day, Arlington Patriots Day Parade, Feast of the East & Porchfest etc. with programs, support & information. Arlington High School DOG Enthusiasts Club is our newest connection. We intend to provide programs for the club & involve them when appropriate with volunteering opportunities at events or project. events. A-DOG also has relationships with other Dog Owner Groups: FelsDOG, PAWS 4 Medford, DOG Friends of Cambridge & SOMdog, Caring Canines & B.O.N.E.S Therapy dog groups, as well as some rescues Last Hope, Animal Rescue Konnection etc. There is documentation which was filed with state " exact wording."
Website: http://www.arlingtondogowners.org/news/
Address: 46 Bartlett Ave, Arlington, MA, USA