LexFUN! is Lexington’s network for families with children aged five and under. Founded in 1942, LexFUN! is one of the largest volunteer-run parent organizations in Massachusetts providing social, educational and community events and activities. LexFUN! is a non-profit and a recognized MA PTA.
Mission: LexFUN! is Lexington’s network for families with children aged five and under. Founded in 1942, LexFUN! is one of the largest volunteer-run parent organizations in Massachusetts providing social, educational and community events and activities. LexFUN! is a non-profit and a recognized MA PTA. Our mission is to enrich the lives of families with young children in and around Lexington by connecting them to playgroups, parenting education opportunities, drop-in play center, arts and crafts programs, holiday celebrations, civic activities in town, mom's nights, babysitters, parent panels on preparing for kindergarten, tips on kid-friendly places to eat, shop and visit, and most of all, lots of FUN!
Website: Lexfun.org
Address: PO Box 445 Lexington Ma 02420