West Medford Community Center

It is our vision for the West Medford Community Center to be a meeting place where all the people of Medford and the surrounding communities can gather together to: ● Provide and receive needed services, ● Increase their sense of well-being through education and activities that increase physical health, and ● Join with others in celebration, service and community activism. It is our vision to provide “many doorways into the Community Center,” which means that the facility should be active seven days a week offering a wide variety of programs, activities and events that meet the broad range of needs and interests reflected by our diverse community. It is our vision to ensure that ours is a safe, respectful, and nurturing environment, that allows people to come together to explore our common bonds, secure in the feeling that they will be welcome. We have focused on “Three Key Responsibilities” for the work of the West Medford Community Center. 1. To be a Symbol and Repository of the Cultural History of this unique community. a. This means actively pursuing opportunities to gather and make public documentation of the unique history of the West Medford neighborhood. b. “WMCC, is a valuable, irreplaceable symbol of the history and heritage of this community, and as such, needs to continue to be a visible, tangible representation of this legacy.” 2. To provide “Needed Programming” a. The West Medford Community Center has a long history of meeting the needs of the community, through: i. Direct Service: 1. To our Seniors, through a range of Elder Services. 2. To our Youth, through afterschool and summer programs for Middle School aged kids. 3. To our Wider Community, through seeking out additional “direct services, “which are needed, sustainable, and not currently available.” ii. Indirect Service 1. We actively partner with other individuals and organizations in the provision of public services. 3. To Engage in “Community Building” a. WMCC is a place where people in the area can come together, as a community. b. We provide opportunities for the people of the community to express themselves through athletics, the arts, and other means of celebration. c. We continue a tradition of providing opportunities for local peoples to have their voices heard through interactions with Public Officials via regularly scheduled public forums.
Mission: The mission of the West Medford Community Center is to connect the diverse people of West Medford and the greater Mystic Valley through social, civic, educational and recreational programs. Incorporated in 1944 as an all volunteer organization, our historic mission developed within a close knit diverse community through a strong sense of volunteering.
Website: www.wmcc.us
Address: 111 Arlington St.