Operation American Soldier

OAS was founded by John & Wendy Rocca, parents of 3 children who have served in the years since 9/11 in the war on terror. When daughter, Tracy was firs sent to Iraq, she asked if her parents would be willing to send something to others who weren't receiving any mail from home. One letter - then one care package - has mushroomed into more than 20,000 packages. Depending on the need, packages have been shipped to Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Africa, Cuba and South Korea and beyond. Our goal is simple: to send packages and letters to as many US military personnel as possible for as long as they are called to serve in harm's way.
Mission: No one walks away from mail call empty handed.
Website: OperationAmericanSoldier.org
Address: 215 Mt Auburn St, Watertown, MA, United States